What the Petite Young Blonde has learned/observed today, April 6, 2010:
- The Mariott Marquis Atlanta is beautiful and amazing, but sleeping on a pull out couch there is not different from one at the Hotel 6.
- The PYB does not need to be on the 40th floor of anything – unless it’s the Eiffel Tower.
- Worst job ever: replacing the windows blown out by the Atlanta tornado of the Westin downtown, outside, hanging off the building on special scaffolding. Viewed from the 40th floor of the Marriott Marquis and looking UP.
- Wisteria and Redbud tree blooms are simply exquisite.
- The PYB aspires to be as witty as Betty White in her old age.
- Linen dresses are meant to be cool, however, when lined with polyester the complete opposite happens – especially when combined with pantyhose and a slip.
- When switching purses it is essential to put the house key into the NEW purse. Otherwise she winds up coming home and having to sit outside in the plastic-lined linen dress until the neighbor comes home and gives her the spare key. By this time the pantyhose and slip are gone, the cats are banging on the window to get out and the PYB is covered in yellow pollen that has stuck to her sweat.
- Allergy eye drops can feel almost … well, you know.
Haha! Oh PYB! You should know that you are already as witty as Betty White and you should really put your house keys on your car keys key chain. hah